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Make sure pet owners understand that ear cropping isn't a get-out-of-jail-free card when it comes to otitis externa. Views on tail docking. It was thought that a short tail would be harder for beasts like wild boar and bears to grab. It certainly can mean that, but tail wags can also essentially mean the opposite. However, there is opposition to this contentious issue from the Council for Docked Breeds (CDB). Here’s something else to think about. A lot of animal rights fighters consider the ear cropping inhumane. Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff These procedures cause pain and distress and, as with all surgical procedures, are accompanied by inherent risks of anesthesia, blood loss, and infection. This book is edited by an outstanding world expert on animal welfare, it emphasizes throughout the importance of measuring conditions that compromise welfare, such as lameness, heat stress, body condition, and bruises during transport.The ... Article wasn't very helpful and needs improvement. This is reinforced by Morton (1992) and Wansbourgh (1996) who report that the tail of a dog has two main functions; that of balance and as a tool to for communication with both other dogs and other species. Scotland-based researchers have found tail docking is a cause of long-term pain - a discovery that challenges the Scottish Government's decision last year to partially reverse its ban on the practice. How Dog Tail Size Impacts Dog Communication. Researchers in Italy have been looking into exactly how a dog wags its tail under different circumstances and how dogs react when they see different types of tail wagging. Would you like email updates of new search results? Most people, who consider themselves familiar with dogs, interpret a ‘dog with a waggy tail’ to be friendly and approachable. Letter from Q L LaHam, Ph.D, to the Council for Docked Breeds DEFRA,(2004). Pros of tail docking. The European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals was opened for signature in Strasbourg on 13 November 1987 and entered into force on 1 May 1992. As was included in a position paper by the Utah VMA (Resolution 4, reported in JAVMA News, June 15, 2009), "Cosmetic ear cropping and tail docking of dogs has little or no therapeutic basis." Psychologist Stanley Coren states dogs with no tail are twice as likely to be involved in aggressive encounters than those with tails. This act is all about fashion and just to maintain the standard of dog breeds as. Personality traits in the domestic dog (Canis familiaris). www.defra.gov.uk/animalh/welfare/docking.pdf (site accessed 02.02.2005, 05.02.2005) Fox, M W, (1969). Careers. This came into effect in July 1993. Cosmetic dog tail docking, much like ear cropping, is an elective surgery for dogs that certain breeds have to undergo soon after their birth.The practice of tail docking has been most common with breeds such as Dobermans, German Shorthaired Pointers and Schnauzers.. The ADA also maintain that (as dogs currently rank as one of the most popular species of companion animal in the UK) the need for efficient and clear communication between humans and dogs, along with the ability to interpret a dog’s body language, is of primary importance. Are there any side effects to docking? No. This article is about docking of dogs tails. It is an outdated practice that involves cutting or crushing muscle, nerves, and bone without anaesthetic in puppies under 5 days old. BMC Vet Res. Effects of tail docking on milk quality and cow cleanliness. We used a life-sized dog model and varied the tail length and motion as an experimental method of examining effects of tail-docking on intraspecific signaling in domestic dogs, Canis familiaris. Dog tail docking, or canine caudectomy, originated more than 2000 years ago ().Its first intention was to protect hunting dogs because their tail made them more vulnerable to prey or adversary . Aust Vet J. The Michigan Veterinary Medical Association encourages the elimination of ear cropping and tail docking from breed standards. The behaviour, including posture, of domestic dogs has been extensively documented and studied (Fox, 1969, Wansbourgh, 1996). The body postures they adopt represent a large proportion of the dogs’ visible body language in which the carriage and position of the tail is but one of the visible cues. This indicates that, while the dog does employ a wide range of cues for communicating, the ones it uses most frequently are the ones which humans can also employ, such as looking/ gazing with the eyes and facial expressions, and therefore the ones which humans understand the most. Surgical and Behavioral Relationships With Welfare. The process of tail docking is essentially an amputation of all or part of a puppy's tail using a cutting or crushing device. It becomes ever more difficult to interpret the clues if there is no actual tail there to ‘read’. Behavioural observations of puppies undergoing tail docking. Now, tail docking in pet Boxers and show dogs is . Tail docking of pigs is a routine procedure on farms to help control tail-biting behavior; however, docking can cause pain. (2003), it was established that dogs displayed ‘preferential looking at humans, which seems to be a genetic predisposition in dogs…..we assume that one of the first steps in domestication of the dog was selection for ‘human-like’ communicative behaviours’. For other animals, see Docking (animal). In 2004, tail docking for non-therapeutic reasons was banned across Australia. Tails are wonderful things that help cats to balance and dogs to communicate.Then there's the pleasure we all get from seeing the upright tail of a friendly approaching cat or the waggy blur of an excited dog. Currently, there are an estimated 5.15 million dog-owning households in the UK with around 6.5 million dogs being kept (Pet Food Manufacturers Association, 2003), making the dog one of the most popular companion animals in the UK. While it may be true that dogs with no tail are able to lead full, constructive and ‘happy’ lives, there are still major disagreements regarding the need for a dog to retain its tail, if it naturally has one. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has created an extensive Q&A about the relationship between ear cropping and otitis externa. The procedure is usually undertaken on the neonatal pup and on certain breeds such as spaniels, some terriers and Dobermans. The Dangers of Ear Cropping and Tail Docking in Dogs. (PE, p. 449) Other effects of tail docking include haemorrhage, infection, hyper or hypoglycaemia, neuroma formation, and loss of sensory perception. There is some evidence that dogs with intact tails are more likely to sustain injury to the tail compared to dogs whose tails were docked (96, 97). Seeing Left- or Right-Asymmetric Tail Wagging Produces Different Emotional Responses in Dogs. In Experiment 1 awareness was measured using a combination of both explicit and implicit measures. As mentioned, vulnerable people, such as young children, who may find it difficult to interpret the cues and body language the dog is displaying, may be particularly at risk of antagonistic situations and/ or attack, (author’s own observations). In addition, the RCVS also recognises the various functions a dog’s tail serves, including its use as a highly visible communication cue. This study looks at some of the implications of tail docking and considers the arguments both ‘for’ and ‘against’ the contentious debate that surrounds tail docking. We videotaped interactions of 492 off-leash dogs and quantified size and behaviour of approaching dogs to . Tail docking is the term used to describe the shortening of an animal’s tail by amputation (DEFRA, 2004). It is illegal in areas such as England and Australia, however in the United States the legality of tail docking becomes unclear. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of local or general anesthesia on the physiology (experiment 1) and behavior Animals (Basel). The RSPCA has successfully prosecuted a dog breeder for cruelty in relation to docking the tail of a litter of pups. Aust Vet J. Introduction Canis familiaris, or the domestic dog, is believed to be the world’s oldest domesticated species. Includes twenty chapters, to fill the gap of new texts covering recent changes in the dental curriculum. Current knowledge on the physiology and anatomy of pain is described with particular reference to cosmetic tail docking in the neonatal p … Hence, when a pup is irrelevantly docked, it creates communication barriers between them and other dogs that they might come across. In Queensland, it is an offence under the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 to dock a dog's tail. 2007 Mar 20;17(6):R199-201. Like its ancestors, the domestic dog is an extremely sociable, pack animal, but instead of being conspecific, it regards the human family members it resides with as pack members. To a lesser extent, vocal communication plays a part. The surgery, also referred to as tail bobbing, involves removing the tail of the dog with surgical scissors by a veterinarian . Bethesda, MD 20894, Help Well, looks are deceiving. This could primarily manifest as an increase in aggression directed towards other dogs or the dog could become a victim of unsolicited attacks by other dogs. This procedure is usually done by a veterinarian. Cosmetic docking of dogs tails. The clinical syndrome of cau- dal pain in association with adhesions at the site of tail dock- ing has been reported previously in the dog.4 Histology was not performed in that study. Some veterinary surgeons in the UK lend their support to the CDB. Veterinary Pathology 27, 61-62 MELLOR, D. J. Vet Rec. He is a beautiful dog — 80 pounds of solid muscle paired with one of the sweetest personalities you’d ever hope to meet. Ruegg. For many breeds, selective breeding and nature have caused tail docking. Let's help to educate others about the dangers, risks and negative side effects that tail docking brings, and then let us work together to bring about change for puppies not yet born by helping to . There is some evidence that dogs with intact tails are more likely to sustain injury to the tail compared to dogs whose tails were docked (96, 97). Bookshelf Current knowledge on the physiology and anatomy of pain is described with particular reference to cosmetic tail docking in the neonatal puppy. This book critically examines how Walt Disney Animation Studios has depicted – and sometimes failed to depict – different forms of harming and objectifying non-human animals in their films. Tail Docking of Canine Puppies: Reassessment of the Tail's Role in Communication, the Acute Pain . The communication issue is just one within the plethora of reasons given by the pro- and anti-docking groups as they continue to debate whether tail docking is justifiable in the 21st century. The results reveal just how important a communication tool a dog’s tail might be. Evaluating the effect of tail length in encounters between dogs is challenging because of . Breed proponents often talk about how tail docking once served this or that purpose, but with the vast majority of dogs produced by breeders these days destined to become pets, I think docking is truly just a cosmetic procedure.

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effects of tail docking in dogs