This Pit Bull Protects Owner From Screwdriver Wielding Attacker

In this video a 50 pound rednose pit bull named Droggie saves its owner from a screwdriver wielding attacker.

A mother and her son were walking with their two dogs when someone they didn’t know started walking towards them. Suddenly, this stranger pulled out a screwdriver and started slashing away causing puncture wounds on the son’s shoulder.

Immediately, their 50 pound rednose pit bull named Droggie sprang into action. He started biting the the attacker on the legs and butt causing him to fall to the ground. “As I stood up my mom started screaming for me to run and that is exactly what I did,” the victim told ABC News.

Droggie gave the victim the few seconds he need to run from his attacker thereby saving him from being seriously injured or even killed.

The attacker was caught by the police shortly thereafter.

Droggie is now being hailed as a hero.

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